using Turing
using StatsPlots
using Optim
Iterative Bayesian Modeling with Probabilistic Programming¶
Dataset: World-Wide Monthly Air Passengers¶
Data source:
First Start: A Linear Trend Model¶
We start easy by modelling the trend of the time series.
A Bayesian linear regression is the "hello world" example for probabilistic programs and can be used to model linear trends.
We focus on the part of the time series which approximately exhibits a linear trend.
upwards_trend_data = air_passengers_2013_2018[2009 .<= air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Year"],:]
@model function trend_model_1(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64})
# priors are chosen to be very broad
# (we do not want to favour any specific values)
slope ~ Normal(0,3)
intercept ~ Normal(6,3)
# error models how noisy the data is, it has to be >0 => InverseGamma
error ~ InverseGamma(2,3)
for i in eachindex(y)
# shift the x-axis by start year 0...16 instead of 2003...2019
y[i] ~ Normal(slope * (x[i] - x[1]) + intercept, error+1e-5)
trend_model_1 (generic function with 2 methods)
If the model allows it (continuous density), the inference algorithm NUTS
is always a good first choice.
res_1 = sample(trend_model_1(upwards_trend_data[!,"Date"], upwards_trend_data[!,"Total"]), NUTS(), 3000, progress=PRINT_PROGRESS)
┌ Info: Found initial step size └ ϵ = 0.025 Sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
Chains MCMC chain (3000×15×1 Array{Float64, 3}): Iterations = 1001:1:4000 Number of chains = 1 Samples per chain = 3000 Wall duration = 5.93 seconds Compute duration = 5.93 seconds parameters = slope, intercept, error internals = lp, n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, log_density, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size Summary Statistics parameters mean std mcse ess_bulk ess_tail rhat ⋯ Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 ⋯ slope 0.2259 0.0211 0.0006 1331.8484 1136.0243 1.0019 ⋯ intercept 6.0915 0.1220 0.0034 1333.0084 1250.1463 1.0024 ⋯ error 0.6400 0.0429 0.0010 1975.4241 1731.1088 0.9997 ⋯ 1 column omitted Quantiles parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5% Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 slope 0.1841 0.2120 0.2261 0.2393 0.2681 intercept 5.8472 6.0145 6.0901 6.1709 6.3308 error 0.5660 0.6098 0.6371 0.6669 0.7320
While we can inspect the summary statistics above, plotting the results gives a quick and easy check if everything works as expected.
To start, we plot the maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) estimate - the most likely values for the latent variables under the posterior.
_, map_vector = get_map(res_1)
plot_trend_model_1_map(upwards_trend_data, map_vector)
But of course as Bayesian statisticians we also care about the uncertainty around our estimates.
So we plot samples from the posterior.
plot_trend_model_1_posterior(upwards_trend_data, res_1[1:30:end])
Changing Trend¶
From the plot above we can see that a linear model does not perfectly describe the trend in the time series.
In particular, after 2014 there seems to be a steeper increase in passengers then before.
Lets see if we can model this with a changepoint.
@model function trend_model_2(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64})
slope ~ Normal(0,3)
intercept ~ Normal(6,3)
error ~ InverseGamma(2,3)
# UPGRADE: sample changepoint and adjustment to be made at changepoint
changepoint ~ Uniform(0, x[end] - x[1])
adjustment ~ Normal(0,1)
for i in eachindex(y)
t = x[i] - x[1]
k = slope
m = intercept
# UPGRADE: if the time series exceeds the changepoint, we adjust slope and intercept in a continuous way
if changepoint ≤ t
k += adjustment
m -= changepoint * adjustment
y[i] ~ Normal(k * t + m, error+1e-5)
trend_model_2 (generic function with 2 methods)
res_2 = sample(trend_model_2(upwards_trend_data[!,"Date"], upwards_trend_data[!,"Total"]), NUTS(), 3000, progress=PRINT_PROGRESS);
┌ Info: Found initial step size └ ϵ = 0.05 Sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:01
Again, plotting is our best friend.
_, map_vector = get_map(res_2)
single_chainpoint_res = res_2
plot_trend_model_2(upwards_trend_data, map_vector)
Multiple Changepoints¶
If we turn our attention back to the full time series, we can see that there seem to be multiple changes in the trend.
Let's see if we can simply modify our model to handle multiple changepoints.
@model function trend_model_3_1(x::Vector{Float64}, y)
slope ~ Normal(0,1)
intercept ~ Normal(6,1)
error ~ InverseGamma(2,3)
# UPGRADE: sample the number of changepoints and multiple changepoint candidates
n_changepoints ~ DiscreteUniform(1,5)
changepoints ~ filldist(Uniform(0, x[end] - x[1]), 5)
adjustments ~ filldist(Normal(0,1), 5)
# UPGRADE: for prior/posterior predictive check
if ismissing(y)
y = zeros(length(x))
for i in eachindex(y)
t = x[i] - x[1]
k = slope
m = intercept
# UPGRADE: now iterate over dynamic number of changepoints
for (changepoint, adjustment) in zip(changepoints[1:n_changepoints], adjustments[1:n_changepoints])
if changepoint ≤ t
k += adjustment
m -= changepoint * adjustment
y[i] ~ Normal(k * t + m, error+1e-5)
trend_model_3_1 (generic function with 2 methods)
res_3_1 = sample(trend_model_3_1(air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Date"], air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Total"]), NUTS(), 3000, progress=PRINT_PROGRESS)
catch e
ArgumentError("invalid index: Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{DynamicPPL.DynamicPPLTag, Float64}}(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0) of type ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{DynamicPPL.DynamicPPLTag, Float64}, Float64, 7}")
does not work anymore because we have the discrete variable n_changepoints
Let's give it a try with simple metroplis hastings MH
sampler_3_1 = MH()
res_3_1 = sample(trend_model_3_1(air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Date"], air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Total"]), sampler_3_1, 3000, progress=PRINT_PROGRESS);
Sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:00
Unfortunately, plotting shows that the inference was not able to produce the correct changepoints.
_, map_vector = get_map(res_3_1)
plot_trend_model_3_1(air_passengers_2013_2018, map_vector)
Debugging a Probabilistic Program¶
The first approach to debugging inference of a probabilistic program is to look at the MCMC diagnostic plots.
They show how the values of the latent variables are explored during inference.
We can see that the values hardly change when using MH
=> bad exploration of the state space.
plot(res_3_1[["slope", "intercept", "n_changepoints", "changepoints[1]", "adjustments[1]"]])
For reference, below you can see how MCMC diagnostic plots are supposed to look if the inference algorithm explores the state space well.
plot(single_chainpoint_res[["slope", "intercept", "changepoint", "adjustment"]])
There are two reasons why the inference may fail like in our case:
- the model does not describe the data well
- the inference algorithm is not able to compute the correct posterior
We can test for the first reason by inspecting the "worlds" our model can generate - this is called a Prior Predictive Check.
To test for the second reason, we try our inference algorithm on simulated data, because then we know that the model perfectly describes the data - this is called Fake Data Simulation.
Prior Predictive Check¶
x = air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Date"]
# use probalistic program as a generative model
res_prior = sample(trend_model_3_1(x, missing), Prior(), 19, progress=false)
t_min = x[1]
t_max = x[end]
p = plot(x, air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Total"], legend=false, xticks=[], yticks=[])
ps = [p]
for i in 1:length(res_prior)
_, trace = get_trace(res_prior,i)
slope, intercept = trace[1:2]
n_changepoints = Int(trace[4])
changepoints = trace[5:9][1:n_changepoints]
adjustments = trace[10:14][1:n_changepoints]
y_from_prior = trace[15:end]
p = plot(x, t -> trend_model_3_1_f(t - t_min, slope, intercept, changepoints, adjustments), color=:gray, legend=false, xticks=[])#, yticks=[])
plot!(p, x, y_from_prior)
cps = changepoints .+ t_min
vline!(p, cps[(t_min .< cps) .& (cps .< t_max)], linestyle=:dash)
push!(ps, p)
plot(ps..., layout=(5,4), size=(1000,1000))
The generated "worlds" seem to agree with our intention for modelling changepoints.
Fake-Data Simulation¶
ps = []
for i in 1:12
# for each of the simulated data sets ...
_, trace = get_trace(res_prior,i)
slope, intercept = trace[1:2]
n_changepoints = Int(trace[4])
true_changepoints = trace[5:9][1:n_changepoints]
# adjustments = trace[10:14][1:n_changepoints]
y_from_prior = trace[15:end]
# ... perform posterior inference ...
ppc_res = sample(trend_model_3_1(x, y_from_prior), sampler_3_1, 3000, progress=false)
# ... and check if we can recover the true latents
_, map_vector = get_map(ppc_res)
p = plot_trend_model_3_1((x, y_from_prior), map_vector)
vline!(true_changepoints .+ t_min, linestyle=:dash, color=:green)
plot!(p, xticks=[], yticks=[], xlabel="", ylabel="")
plot(ps..., layout=(3,4), size=(1000,600))
We conclude that the model should be able to describe our data, however, the inference algorithm is not powerful enough.
Multiple Changepoints - Second Try¶
Instead of trying to engineer a powerful inference algorithm, we adjust the model slightly to work with NUTS
The problem was that the number of true changepoints is discrete and unknown.
We now fix the changepoints at the beginning of each year, but put a restrictive prior on the adjustments,
such that the adjustments tend to 0 if there is no real change in trend.
@model function trend_model_3(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64})
slope ~ Normal(0,3)
intercept ~ Normal(6,3)
error ~ InverseGamma(2,3)
tau ~ InverseGamma(1,1)
# UPGRADE: fix one changepoint per year, put restrictive Laplace prior on adjustments
n_changepoints = Int(ceil(length(y) / 12)) # changepoint at each year
adjustments ~ filldist(Laplace(0,tau+1e-5), n_changepoints)
k = slope
m = intercept
j = 1
for i in eachindex(y)
# UPGRADE: adjust slope and intercept at beginning of each year
if i % 12 == 1
k += adjustments[j]
m -= (x[i] - x[1]) * adjustments[j]
j += 1
y[i] ~ Normal(k * (x[i] - x[1]) + m, error+1e-5)
trend_model_3 (generic function with 2 methods)
res_3 = sample(trend_model_3(air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Date"], air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Total"]), NUTS(), 3000, progress=PRINT_PROGRESS);
┌ Info: Found initial step size └ ϵ = 0.0125 Sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:01:05
_, map_vector = get_map(res_3)
plot_trend_model_3(air_passengers_2013_2018, map_vector)
For even faster model iteration, we may solve directly for the MAP which is faster.
res_3 = optimize(trend_model_3(air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Date"], air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Total"]), MAP(), Optim.Options(iterations=10_000))
ModeResult with maximized lp of -164.95 [0.2655989336155957, 5.906068720652697, 0.6010083643794552, 0.09199541345535943, 1.8418016686544358e-16, -8.674005781442314e-19, -0.025599904909581975, -0.17889816214404183, -0.09276116993976487, -1.6887703644995532e-16, 1.2691970748013106e-16, 0.030928720902240785, 0.0728998793853017, 0.00040850074223432214, 0.15623752939822977, 0.07632014734989245, 0.0022329676939029197, 2.7895405634532633e-15, 3.987759792310499e-17, -9.32115997167157e-19]
map_vector = res_3.values.array
plot_trend_model_3(air_passengers_2013_2018, map_vector)
Now we are happy with the trend model.
So far we have completely neglected the seasonality of the time series.
But having modelled the trend of the time series accurately, we can substract the trend from the data and solely focus on the seasonality.
x = air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Date"]
y = air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Total"]
t_min = x[1]
changepoints = x[(1:length(x)) .% 12 .== 1] .- x[1]
slope, intercept, error, adjustments = map_vector[1], map_vector[2], map_vector[3], map_vector[5:end]
# substract the trend model from the data
y_stationary = y .- map(t -> trend_model_3_f(t - t_min, slope, intercept, changepoints, adjustments), x)
base_plot((x, y_stationary))
title!("air passengers without trend")
Seasonality is modelled by decomposing the time series into sinusoidal functions with different frequencies and phase shifts.
function seasonality_component(t::Float64, N_frequencies::Int, beta::Vector{<:Real})
s = 0
for n in 1:N_frequencies
s += beta[2*n-1] * sin(2*pi*n*t)
s += beta[2*n] * cos(2*pi*n*t)
return s
@model function seasonality_model(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, N_frequencies::Int)
beta ~ filldist(Normal(0,1.), 2*N_frequencies)
error ~ InverseGamma(2,3)
for i in eachindex(y)
t = x[i] - x[1]
s = seasonality_component(t, N_frequencies, beta)
y[i] ~ Normal(s, error+1e-5)
seasonality_model (generic function with 2 methods)
Try out different number of frequencies.
ps = []
for N_frequencies in 1:4
res_seasonal = optimize(seasonality_model(x, y_stationary, N_frequencies), MAP())
beta = res_seasonal.values.array
mask = 1:60
p = plot(x[mask], y_stationary[mask], label="air passengers", legend=:topleft, title="Number of frequencies: $N_frequencies")
plot!(t -> seasonality_component(t, N_frequencies, beta), label="seasonality model MAP")
push!(ps, p)
plot(ps...,layout=(2,2), size=(1200,800))
N_frequencies = 3 # seems to be a good choice
Combining the Trend and Seasonality Components¶
Simply combine trend and seasonality models.
@model function prophet(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, N_frequencies::Int)
slope ~ Normal(0,3)
intercept ~ Normal(6,3)
error ~ InverseGamma(2,3)
n_changepoints = Int(ceil(length(y) / 12)) # changepoint at each year
tau ~ InverseGamma(1,1)
adjustments ~ filldist(Laplace(0,tau+1e-5), n_changepoints)
beta ~ filldist(Normal(0,1.), 2*N_frequencies)
k = slope
m = intercept
j = 1
for i in eachindex(y)
t = (x[i] - x[1])
if i % 12 == 1
k += adjustments[j]
m -= t * adjustments[j]
j += 1
s = seasonality_component(t, N_frequencies, beta)
y[i] ~ Normal(k * t + m + s, error+1e-5)
prophet (generic function with 2 methods)
Solve for the MAP.
N_frequencies = 3
x = air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Date"]
y = air_passengers_2013_2018[!,"Total"]
changepoints = x[(1:length(x)) .% 12 .== 1] .- x[1]
map_estimate = optimize(prophet(x, y, N_frequencies), MAP(), Optim.Options(iterations=10000))
ModeResult with maximized lp of -23.59 [0.4577668853959833, 5.676798414159017, 0.26486973435303784, 0.15564037214657933, -1.8024725766680047e-16, -3.524588295884899e-17, -0.33308075971101825, -1.3193756999074557e-10, -0.013055172774100565, -0.599594466878374 … 3.00675322887742e-6, 3.2354536360592883e-18, 0.0027787046763455446, 6.748800756489422e-16, 0.12903737468239745, -0.6323295364796718, -0.11315127980651665, 0.07650192846864177, -0.15896492058501327, -0.29719464597431666]
map_vector = map_estimate.values.array
n_changepoints = length(y) ÷ 12
slope, intercept, error, tau, adjustments = map_vector[1:4]..., map_vector[5:(5+n_changepoints-1)]
beta = map_vector[5+n_changepoints : end]
plot_prophet_model(air_passengers_2013_2018, map_vector, N_frequencies, n_changepoints)
We can be quite happy with the fit of the model.
We now sample the posterior and use the map as initial point.
res_prophet = sample(prophet(x, y, N_frequencies), NUTS(), 1000, progress=PRINT_PROGRESS, init_params=map_estimate.values.array);
┌ Info: Found initial step size └ ϵ = 0.0125 Sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:01:58
Using the resulting posterior¶
Let $X$ be the data and $T$ some quantity of interest.
We can find the posterior predictive distribution over $T$ by "averaging over the posterior":
$p (T | X) = \int p(T | \theta, X) p(\theta | X) d\theta$
For instance, $T$ = how large is the difference between January and August passengers?
"Averaging over the posterior" is simply looking at the histogram.
T = Float64[]
n_years = length(y) ÷ 12
n_samples_per_trace = 10
# iterate over posterior
for i in 1:length(res_prophet)
trace = res_prophet[i]
slope, intercept, error, tau, adjustments = trace[1:4]..., trace[5:(5+n_changepoints-1)]
beta = trace[5+n_changepoints : end]
# produce samples for T | θ, X
for year in 0:(n_years-1)
jan_mean = prophet_model_f(x[year * 12 + 1] - x[1], slope, intercept, changepoints, adjustments, N_frequencies, beta)
aug_mean = prophet_model_f(x[year * 12 + 8] - x[1], slope, intercept, changepoints, adjustments, N_frequencies, beta)
for _ in 1:n_samples_per_trace
jan = rand(Normal(jan_mean, error))
aug = rand(Normal(aug_mean, error))
push!(T, aug / jan)
histogram(T, normalize=true, label="AUG / JAN")
Of course, we are also interested in forecasting the time series.
To get accurate uncertainty quantification, we go back to our full Bayesian approach:
We approximate the full posterior instead of only optimising for the MAP.
However, it is a good idea to set the MAP as starting point for the inference process.
Next, we extrapolate into the future by continuing the trend, respecting the seasonality and randomly sampling future changepoints.
function prophet_forecast(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64},
m::Float64, k::Float64, error::Float64, N_frequencies::Int, beta::Vector{Float64}, adjustments::Vector{Float64},
tau = mean(abs, adjustments)
n_future_changepoints = ((length(y) + forecast) ÷ 12) - (length(y) ÷ 12)
future_adjustments = rand(filldist(Laplace(0,tau), n_future_changepoints))
y_pred = zeros(forecast)
Δ = x[2] - x[1]
x_future = x[end]
i = length(y)+1
j = 1
while i <= length(y) + forecast
x_future += Δ
t = (x_future - x[1])
if i % 12 == 1
k += future_adjustments[j]
m -= t * future_adjustments[j]
j += 1
s = seasonality_component(t, N_frequencies, beta)
y_pred[i-length(y)] = rand(Normal(k * t + m + s, error))
i += 1
return y_pred
prophet_forecast (generic function with 1 method)
We write a helper function to extrapolate randomly n_samples_per_trace
times for each sample in the posterior.
function sample_forecast(res, changepoints, forecast, n_samples_per_trace)
n_changepoints = length(changepoints)
y_pred = zeros(n_samples_per_trace * length(res), forecast)
j = 0
for i in 1:length(res)
trace = reshape(res[i], :)
slope, intercept, error, tau, adjustments = trace[1:4]..., trace[5:(5+n_changepoints-1)]
beta = trace[5+n_changepoints : end]
for _ in 1:n_samples_per_trace
j += 1
k = slope + sum(adjustments)
m = intercept - adjustments'changepoints
y_pred[j,:] = prophet_forecast(x,y,m,k,error,N_frequencies,beta,adjustments,forecast)
return y_pred
sample_forecast (generic function with 1 method)
Again, with plotting the forecast, we can check if we are satisfied with the results.
n_year_forecast = 4
forecast = n_year_forecast * 12
x_forecast = collect(maximum(x) .+ (1:forecast)./12)
y_pred = sample_forecast(res_prophet, changepoints, forecast, 10)
plot_forecast(x, y, x_forecast, y_pred)
How to model the pandemic ?¶
What happens if we apply the unmodified model?
N_frequencies = 3
x = air_passengers_2013_2023[!,"Date"]
y = air_passengers_2013_2023[!,"Total"]
changepoints = x[(1:length(x)) .% 12 .== 1] .- x[1];
map_estimate = optimize(prophet(x, y, N_frequencies), MAP(), Optim.Options(iterations=10000))
res_prophet_2023 = sample(prophet(x, y, N_frequencies), NUTS(), 1000, progress=PRINT_PROGRESS, init_params=map_estimate.values.array);
┌ Info: Found initial step size └ ϵ = 0.00625 Sampling: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:02:35
map_vector = map_estimate.values.array
n_changepoints = length(changepoints)
plot_prophet_model(air_passengers_2013_2023, map_vector, N_frequencies, n_changepoints)
Thanks to our fully Bayesian approach, the uncertainty around our prediction is know very large,
reflecting the fact that the model does not fit the data well anymore.
n_year_forecast = 4
forecast = n_year_forecast * 12
x_forecast = collect(maximum(x) .+ (1:forecast)./12)
y_pred = sample_forecast(res_prophet_2023, changepoints, forecast, 10)
plot_forecast(x, y, x_forecast, y_pred)
By modelling the pandemic explicitly, we would introduce additional information in the model and could reduce the forecast uncertainty.
How to achieve this is beyond the scope of this notebook.